Sunday, April 5, 2009

The results II

One of my first reactions after I got the report was to google about some of the tests. I was still trying to convince myself that there was something scientific and deep about them that justifies the big bucks I payed to this woman.

I run accross this webpage, This is a sort of computer language and software to create and conduct "Psychological experiments". The software comes with a number of preprogrammed standarized psychological tests, among others, the "Wisconsin Card Sorting Test" (which they call the "Berg's Card Sorting test") and the "Test of Variables of Attention" or T.O.V.A. The software is open source and free.

I downloaded the software and run these two tests to myself. I'll talk about this in the next posts.

I also came across this This is a sample report for the "California Verbal Learning Test Children Edition" or "CVLTC". I guess that this is another computarized test and that the software creates this kind of reports automatically after the kid is done and the software finishes collecting the data.

As I read across this sample report, I learned that the moderfucker psychologist had copied verbatim paragraphs of the computer generated report into the report she prepared. This was actually quite a disappointment, because for the bucks I payed I was certainly expecting some personal interpretation of the results rather than a cut an paste composition.

Yes, the computer generated report gives some background information about the test that was usefull to have it "quoted" in her report, but I would have felt less disappointed if she at least would have acknowledged the source instead of copying it verbatim. 

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